JavaScript API

server: (options?: LuathOptions) => Promise

Create a Luath server with custom options. Resolves to an opine server.

For example:

import { server } from "https://deno.land/x/luath@0.9.1/mod.ts";
import { plugins } from "./plugins.ts";
await server({ root: Deno.cwd(), server: { port: 4000 }, plugins });

build: (options?: LuathOptions) => Promise

Builds the production assets.

For example:

import { build } from "https://deno.land/x/luath@0.9.1/mod.ts";
import { plugins } from "./plugins.ts";
await build({ root: Deno.cwd(), plugins });

Plugin API

Luath makes use of deno-rollup internally for transpiling and bundling code, utilizing Rollup's well-designed plugin interface for providing features. As a result, any plugin that is compatible with deno-rollup is also immediately compatible with Luath.

To learn more about Rollup plugins, please refer to the official Rollup documentation.

In addition to the core Rollup plugin APIs, Luath also supports an additional optional hook:

transformIndexHtml?: (html: string) => string

A hook dedicated to transforming the index.html. It receives the current HTML as a string and should return a transformed HTML string.

For example:

const htmlTitleReplacerPlugin = (title: string) => {
return {
name: 'luath-html-title-replacer-plugin',
transformIndexHtml(html) {
return html.replace(


When running a Luath application using the CLI, you can provide a configuration file via the --config flag in the luath serve command.

Similarly, configuration can also be passed to the Luath JavaScript APIs.

The simplest configuration file just exports an empty object:

// luath.config.ts
export default {};

Conditional configuration can be implemented based on the command (build or serve) by exporting a function:

// luath.config.ts
export default ({ command }: { command: string }) => {
return command === "build"
? { /* ...build specific config... */ }
: { /* ...serve specific config... */ };

Available configuration options are:

root?: string

Default: Deno.cwd()

Project root directory for the Luath server.

server?: LuathServerOptions

Default: { port: 4505, hostname: "" }

Luath server options. Accepts any valid HTTPOptions or HTTPSOptions from the Deno http standard library.

plugins?: LuathPlugin[]

Default: undefined

An array of Luath plugins to use. Please refer to the Plugin API documentation for further details.